I cried and cried for days - my milk supply had slipped to almost nothing and my little guy wasn't getting enough nurishment for his barely-growing body. 

This was exhausting. Nursing, pumping, nursing, eating, sleeping, nursing...

Being a new mom is emotionally draining. Being a new, nursing mom is EXHAUSTING. And that's probably an understatement. 

If you are in that place right now, I feel for you. I've been there, too. I know you probably feel like this wheel of nursing, changing diapers, and hardly ever sleeping is never-ending, I can tell you with certainly...it will end! One day... 

So stick in there, friend. You will make it out alive.

To help you out, (and make your mornings a little easier) I've put together this guide for breakfast lactation smoothies for nursing moms. Hopefully these tips and lactation smoothie recipes will give you the morning boost that you need in terms of energy and milk supply 🙂

Are Smoothies Good While Breastfeeding?

Short answer: YES!

Smoothies are a great way to get a ton of nutrients and vitamins in a quick and easy way. You are fueling your body not only for your survival, but also so that you can produce enough milk to sustain that sweet little one. And not only enough milk - you also want good quality, nutrient dense milk to help your baby grow strong and healthy

If you are breastfeeding then you have at least one little one you are caring for. Which also means you are always on the lookout for shortcuts and ways to make your day a little easier...smoothies are such a quick, easy breakfast.

Plus, if you do them right, a breakfast smoothie feels like a forbidden little treat 🙂

Why You Should Start Your Morning With A  Lactation Smoothie

They are easily to your body to process

Just like your mind and body need a few minutes (or hours) to wake up, your digestive system needs some time to get back into gear, as well. 

Make a double batch, and it's a quick breakfast for your little ones, too!

Kids love smoothies, too. So if you make a bigger batch you've just killed two birds with one stone 🙂

A breakfast lactation smoothie provides a good balance of protein and fat that will help keep your blood sugar stable all day. 

High or low blood sugar can cause a wide variety of unsavory symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, anxiety, and headaches. Listen mama, you have a nursing baby...you don't need added fatigue and anxiety! Take care of yourself and that little one...start your day with a breakfast smoothie 🙂

How To Build Your Own Breakfast Lactation Smoothie

Breakfast Smoothie

Building a delicious breakfast smoothie is not rocket science. If you are new to smoothies, here are some top tips to building your own delicious, milk boosting breakfast smoothie:

1. For a delicious breakfast lactation smoothie: Start with a creamy base

My two favorites are banana and/or avocado. These make the smoothie extra silky and filling. Freeze the bananas ahead of time to add little extra cold creaminess, or just throw them in at room temperature. 

Extra Tip: 

The ripper your banana, the better. If you don’t have ripe bananas on hand, throw a couple in the oven at 250 degrees, and cook for about 30 minutes - or until the peel is shiny black. Ooooo the sweetness 🙂

2. Add in Leafy Greens

One of the benefits of smoothies is that you can easily get your leafy greens in without really noticing them. If you are making a breakfast smoothie, you should be adding a hand-full or so of leafy greens. 

Some of my favorites:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Mixed Greens
Leafy Greens

3. Add in extra fats

Fats are crucial for nursing moms -- for all moms, really. Not only is fat essential for the production of breastmilk, but it also keeps you fuller longer and keeps your blood sugar stable. Good, healthy fats are also a must for glowing skin. Win-win-win 🙂 I like to add peanut butter, almonds butter, coconut milk, or whole cow’s milk. 

4. Toss Some Seeds Into Your Breakfast Smoothie

Almond, sesame seeds, and flax seeds are all good for the production of breastmilk. Other good seeds for a breakfast smoothie are pumpkin seeds, or walnuts. 

5. To make a delicious lactation smoothie, throw in some frozen berries

Not only are berries delicious, they are also packed with antioxidants, fiber, Vitamin C, and folate. 

6. Spruce it up with extra milk producing ingredients

Adding oatmeal, papaya, ginger, brewers yeast, etc. to the blender will give your breakfast smoothie an extra milk producing boost 🙂 Here is a quick list of foods that stimulate breastmilk that you could add to your lactation smoothie:

  • Oatmeal
  • Papaya
  • Apricots
  • Dark Leafy vegetables
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Flax seed
  • Ginger
  • Milk
  • Brewers yeast
  • Garlic
  • Basil
  • Carrots
  • Barley
  • Sweet Potato
  • Oils and fats (olive oil, coconut milk, whole milk, avocado)

7. Add Vanilla Extract

This is just for extra deliciousness. I love the flavor of vanilla extract -- it adds a little luxury to your smoothie. Try it out!

Best Breakfast Lactation Smoothie Recipes For Nursing Moms

If you are more of a "follow a recipe" kinda gal, here are some good lactation smoothie recipes for you:

Lactation Smoothie 

from Glow Body PT

Breast milk boost smoothie

Photo from Glow Body PT

Very Berry Lactation Smoothie

from Fresh Milk Mama

very berry lactation smoothie

Photo from Baby Chick

Oatmeal Banana lactation smoothie

Photo from whatmjloves.com

Green Lactation Smoothie

from Detoxinista

Green Lactation Smoothie

Photo from Detoxinista

Chocolata banana lactation smoothie

Photo from Stay At Home Mum

Avocado Lactation Smoothie

from Making of a Mom


Photo from pexels.com

How To Make Morning Smoothie Without Waking Up The Whole House

If you are making a smoothie during your early morning routine, turning that blender on high might not be the best idea if you are trying to keep the rest of your family from waking up. To prevent this from happening, make and freeze your smoothies beforehand.

Grab several mason jars, blend a few batches of smoothie, pour, and freeze. The night before you want your smoothie, pull it out and put it in the refrigerator to defrost. 

Or put your pre-made smoothies directly in the refrigerator after blending - but remember to drink those breakfast smoothies within a day or two so that they stay fresh.

Now It’s Your Turn: Go Make That Smoothie!

Try out one of recipes featured, or go ahead and build your own breakfast smoothie! Wether you are a nursing mom or not, start your morning off with a nutrient dense, and filling smoothie that will boost your energy and get you ready for the day ahead with your kiddos 🙂

Oh, and my newborn who I cried over for days and days because I didn't think I would ever be able to produce enough milk to keep him alive?? Right now, as we speak, his 3.5 year-old self is talking his sweet daddy's ear off while they make a pot of coffee together. He made. I made it. And you will, too. 

I'm rooting for you!

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