Curry needs salt.

Trust me. I know from experience. 

I spent a few months of my senior year of high school in a dorm. One night I offered to make everyone (about 15 people) dinner - a Pakistani curry I grew up eating was on the menu. 

I worked all day chopping, seasoning, boiling, simmering. The world would be wowed with my ability to craft the perfect blend of spice, flavor, depth, and strachy goodness. 

Until I tasted it, and it was terrible. There wasn’t much there, it was just bland. 

Was there supposed to be turmeric in here, and I just forgot? I jumped on my motorbike and raced out to grab some of the yellow spice. 

Nope, that wasn’t it either. 

Later, after the curry was long gone, I called my mom to tell her my woes. 

Did you add salt? She asked. 


The “salt” to my early morning routine

Like salt is necessary for a flavorful curry, these 7 items are necessary for me to have an energizing and motivating early morning routine.

1. Inductive Study Bible

If my early morning is a curry, then my Inductive Study Bible is the 2 tablespoons of salt called for in the recipe (everything else is in the “season to taste” category). 

It is the necessary piece of my morning and what ultimately makes the early wake up time worth it.

I don’t always like following devotionals or commentary when I am reading Scripture - I have a thing for wanting to read it and learn from it without the outside influence and opinions of others. 

The Inductive Study Bible provides the perfect amount of guidance to keep you on track and focused, without telling you what the Word means - it guides you to figure out the interpretation on your own. 

2. Cup of hot tea

Last month we took a little vacation visiting family and hanging out at the beach. It was wonderful. 

Except I didn’t bring my tea. So I went 1.5 weeks without my early morning hot drink...and I will not be doing that again!

It’s not essential, but it sure does make waking up more enjoyable. 

Find a “treat” that you look forward to and wake up anticipating

3. Writing

Doing something creative in the mornings is something I think all moms should at least give a try. 

During my Mama’s Morning I’ve tried several creative endeavors (including graphic design and quilting), and while each does scratch a creative itch in me, they leave me feeling more overwhelmed than relaxed and ready to conquer the day. 

Writing always leaves me feeling motivated, inspired, and energized.

So writing early in the morning has become part of my routine. 

Experiment and find something that is equally invigorating for you.

4. Couch and Cozy Blanket

The couch and blanket - this is the sauce. This makes the curry filling, warm, satisfying, and homey. 

I’ve tried starting off my mornings at the kitchen table, with my Bible open and tea nearby, but I always end up back on the couch. 

Find a cozy spot that warms you through and through - that you crave getting to in the mornings - some spot that will make getting out of bed while it’s still dark outside totally worth it.

5. Sports Bra

Let’s be real: a sports bra is not a necessity for me - there is not much there to begin with so I could totally get away with a regular bra while working out. 

Nevertheless, it is still important that I put one one in the AMs. It’s akin to slipping on a pair of jeans and a cute top for a dinner out with your man. Yea, you're just going to Chick-fil-a, so you definitely could have gotten away with wearing your running shorts and a t-shirt.

But wearing something other than your boy-mom-comfy-clothes makes you feel a little prettier, a little more interesting, a little more like an adult that another adult would want to have dinner and conversation with. 

When I put on a sports bra it makes me more motivated to workout. It makes me feel a little more hardcore, a little more intense, a little more fit. 

Maybe for you it’s your running shoes or yoga pants. But find that thing that makes working out feel a little more serious.

6. Podcasts

Speaking of workouts, podcasts are a must for my morning workouts. 

Always make your workout fun by watching a show or listening to a podcast during it. 

I use my computer and phone - set one up with a video or podcast and the other with my YouTube workout for the day. 

The YouTube workout stays muted while I enjoy my entertainment for the 20 minutes of cardio. 

To keep me motivated to workout and stay fit - my morning podcasts are essential. They are the burst of spice to my morning routine.

7. God Day

In all honesty, this hasn’t been a part of my morning rythme for about a year (have I mentioned that I got a new phone and don’t know how to find this song that I purchased??). 

But it's been on my mind lately, and in past years it has had such a positive impact on my mornings that I had to include it in this list. 

God Day is a song that I like to play right when I wake up, before I open up the Word. 

It helps to stop the mind chatter, focus my brain, and get me prepared to be in God’s Word. 

Take a listen and let me know what you think!

Those are my 7, what are yours?

Do you have some “must-haves” for your morning routine? I would love to hear what they are! Shoot me an email or comment below. 

If you are still looking for ways to get out of bed and get motivated for your morning, take a few of my “must-haves” and incorporate them into your morning. 

  • Inductive Study Bible
  • Cup of tea (or another treat of your choosing)
  • Writing (or another creative outlet)
  • Couch + blanket
  • Sports Bra
  • Podcasts
  • God Day

Can’t wait to hear what your list is!

And, as always:

I’m rooting for you, 

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