Welome! I'm happy you've stopped by.
Now that you're here, this is what you should know about me: I'm striving to be present and joyful as a mama, wife, and community member. And I'm learning what habits, routines, and rhythms push me towards that goal.
More specifically,
I'm learning the habits, routines, and rhythms that help me live daily in the acknowledged presence of God. Because life with Him is where true joy is found.
One of the most important habits in my life is this: waking up before my kids, every day.
But I didn't always appreciate the value of a good morning routine. You see, when I first had kids I thought being at home with them would be all I ever wanted - that once I had babies and quit my job I would be in my sweet spot and all would be smooth sailing. It didn't take me long to see I craved something else.
- I craved time alone.
- I craved more mental clarity.
- I craved a creative challenge.
- I craved adult connection.
- I craved (and needed) a deeper connection with God
Having exactly what I always wanted, but still craving something else, felt...icky.
I knew I needed time alone, to focus on God, to work on some creative projects, to prepare myself for a day with little ones.
So I started waking up early.
Before the sun. Before my spouse. Before my kids.
And during those early mornings, my Mama’s Mornings, I was able to:
- have time to myself
- work on creative projects
- spend time in the Word and in prayer
- get my “groggy” out before the kids got up
Out of my early mornings, this blog was born. And with it, I want to help you build the habits and rhythms that'll help you be more present and joyful as a mama, wife, and member of your community.
If you want to get your own early morning routine started, grab this early bird habits checklist. It's my gift to you. Joining the email community is also the best way to stay connected and get the latest.

Thanks for coming by. I hope you're here to stay.