Inside: We love our kids - but we don't always love the first sounds of pitter patter in the early morning.. Here are some tips to help moms and their kids wake up happy. 

I could hear his crying from my bedroom. The urge to go grab him was strong, but we had decided he needed to learn to sleep on his own - and with that comes some crying. 

"God, please comfort him and know he is loved. Hug him."

I quietly prayed.

"That’s why I gave him you - that’s your job"

was the reply. 


Why Waking Up Happy Actually Matters

There are so many things I want to teach my kids. But right now, at their ages, (3 and 5), what I most want is for them to know they are seen and loved. 

Loved and seen by me - yes, of course. But more so by their Creator and God. The thing is, when I pray for them to know they are seen and loved by Him, a still, small voice always comes back with this:

“That’s why I gave them to you - so you can demonstrate my love to them.”

And that’s an answer I don’t always like to hear. That answer puts the burden back on me. Yes, I know I have to release my kids to God, but practically I am the hands and feet and ears and eyes of God in their life.

So while I know God is the Redeemer who is mighty to save, I also know He has given me a responsibility. 

But because He is good, it's not a responsibility He hands over and walks away from.

No, He gives me this responsibility as a tool to help refine me. He doesn't need me to reveal Himself to my children. He allows me the opportunity to be molded as I stumble through trying to show them who God is.

What a tightrope artist can teach us about waking up happy:

While I'm writing this an image of a tightrope acrobat walking across a high tightrope comes to mind. As moms we often feel like we are walking a thin line, trying to figure out the exact and best way to raise our kids. One move to the left or the right and we crash down into the circus floor.

Or rather, it’s not us by ourselves on that tightrope - we are holding the hands of our children as they grip tightly and follow along. 

One wrong move to the left or the right doesn’t just result in our demise, but we are now taking our kids down with us. 

Thankfully, that's not the truth of reality. God doesn’t leave us alone on the trapeze. He lets us make our own choices, for sure. But far down below...

 there is a net.

We are not alone. Grace abounds.

Waking up happy and my child's sense of identity

Our kids get so much of their worth and identity through us - they see themselves as the people they think we see them as.

And when we start the morning off groggy and welcome them to the day irritable, this translates as:

“I’m unworthy and annoying.”

But when we're able to welcome our kids to the day with a smile, joy, and enthusiasm they know they are a joy. They see themselves as the ones who brought that smile to our face. They can feel their worth in our excitement to see them. 

Easier said than done though, right?

Mornings don’t always go as planned. Nights don’t either, for that matter. 

But if you struggle to welcome your kids to the say with a smile, I've got some tips for you. 

Now granted, my kids are now only 5 and 3,  so I haven’t been doing this parenting thing for years upon years, and of course my experience in motherhood is limited. But still, I have learned some things over the past 5 years, and I want to share those with you.

Here are 7 ways you can stop being grumpy in the morning, and start welcoming your kids to the day with joy:

7 Ways You And Your Kids Can Wake Up Happy

1. Already be awake

Interruptions are frustrating. Interruptions of our sleep can be down right infuriating! If you aren’t waking up before your kids, it’s going to be extra hard to enjoy the first few minutes of the day with them. 

2. Turn on some music

We’re all slow first thing in the morning (ok I’m sure there are some crazies out there…). A little music can be a total game changer. The beats and rhythms somehow just bring the enthusiasm up a notch. 


From the book Wonder by R.J Palaci0:

“My mom smiled at me. Her smile kind of hugged me.”

You can change the trajectory of a day with a smile. And not only someone else’s day, but your day as well. 

I was in the car not too long ago heading back home and as peeved as ever with my boys. Suddenly I felt this little voice encourage me to force a smile. 

And then everything changed. 

In fact, when I smiled I inadvertently laughed out loud. 

So force yourself to smile first thing in the morning. Even if the kids aren’t awake and you’re by yourself. Just. Do. It. 

4. Be Moving

An object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest. Remember that from high school physics?

Those mornings I’m already moving when the boys get up (opening the curtains, making tea, unloading the dishwasher) I feel much more ready for that door to open. When I’m sitting still (cozy on the couch with a cup of hot tea, say?) I find I’m more prone to dread the pitter patter of feet. 

So what does that look like practically? Get up from your Mama’s Morning spot 10 minutes or so before you expect your kids to wake up and get to doing something!

5. Open the curtains and blinds

I had woken up later than normal and couldn’t get my brain in gear! All I wanted to do was jump back into bed and close my eyes, but the kids were up and the day needed to get underway. 

But why was I feeling so blah? 

Then I opened the blinds….

Even if it's not bright and sunny yet, just seeing nature outside can really liven your mood and get you ready for the day. So get those curtains pushed back and blinds pulled up!

6. Journal

When was the last time you had a really good conversation? One with a good friend that left you feeling light, airy, excited, and just all around in a good mood? Those are the best, aren’t they? But they don’t come often enough. 

You know the great thing about journaling? You can have one of those kind of conversations every morning. 

Not that talking to yourself is as life-giving as talking to a good friend - but because journaling is one tangible, physical way you can talk to and share with your Creator and, hopefully, your best friend. 

So start a journaling routine before the kids wake up. Journal isn’t just for writers, it’s for everyone!

7. Pray

Because praying matters. More than we often think. So take time before the kids wake up - or right when they do 🙂 and ask God to give you patience, grace, and a spirit of joy. 

You can start the day happy...

How we respond to our children matters. Really, it does so much. We are molding their view of themselves. We are constructing their own sense of self-worth. 

Well, at least God is allowing us to have a say in that (we’ve got the net down below for those times we will inevitably take a misstep). 

But starting the day with joy, a smile, and with enthusiasm can just make the difference that your family needs. 

Isn’t there some quote that goes something like:

“The mom sets the temperature of the home”

 It came to me as I am writing this but then I can’t find any indication of it on the internet - but nevertheless you get the point. 

Often, it’s the mom's attitude and outlook that will have the largest impact on the rest of the household. 

So take care of yourself. And by that I mostly mean, let God take care of you.

And be intentional about getting rid of the grumpies, and welcoming your kids to the day with true joy. 

I’m rooting for you. 

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