Inside: Does your AM routine feel flat right now? These morning routine ideas will bring fun, energy, and life to your early morning. Whether you want some motivation to start waking up before the kids, or you're already in a good early morning routine, you're just looking for some fresh ideas, this is for you!

Sometimes we just need a few fresh ideas to get us motivated and encouraged. 

Christmas 2015, Lance and I had just come back from a 9 month stint living in Thailand, and we were back in the U.S. trying to get into a rhythm in our new town. 

“Let’s just buy each other new running gear for Christmas.”

We told each other. 

We were having trouble getting back into the running routine, and both figured a little something new would help spark us back into action. 

A new Garmin watch for Lance, and some winter running attire for me, and we were ready to go. And while as a principle this doesn’t always work, it did this time. 

And it might for you, too. Not in terms of running (but hey, if you need a little push you can try it!) 

But in terms of your morning routine. 

If you’re feeling a little unmotivated and uninspired, here are 53 morning routine ideas to get you back into the groove.

These morning routine ideas are organized according to the 5 buckets of the perfect mom morning routine

Ready? Here we go: 

For your quiet time:

  1. Journal through the gospels

  2. Pray for your kids

  3. Have a “Holy Hour”

  4. Pray for your husband

  5. Memorize a Bible verse

  6. Write down a prayer in a notebook

  7. Give your day over to God

  8. Turn on worship music, sit with a cup of tea or coffee, and worship

  9. Read a chapter in Psalms and Proverbs

  10. Follow a Bible reading plan

  11. Work through a book of the Bible using the inductive study method

  12. Sit in the silence (God is right there with you 🙂 )

Do something you love:

  1. Sit down at your computer and type out a short story

  2. Grab pencils + paper and sketch

  3. Write a quote or Bible verse in pretty font on a chalkboard to hang in your house

  4. Work on a photobook to chronicle the past year

  5. Listen to a podcast while putting the dishes away

  6. Read a chapter of a novel

  7. Turn on music and move your body (aka - dance!)

  8. Go on an early morning walk

  9. Make a fun breakfast for your kids while they are still asleep

  10. Prep a snack for the day

  11. Pull out paper and crayons and color while listening to music

Prepare your body for the day:

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing when you wake up 

  2. Do a 16 minute Tabata workout

  3. Do yoga

  4. Make and apply a honey face mask

  5. Stretch while listening to music

  6. Take your vitamins

  7. Paint your nails

  8. Indulge in a long shower with music playing

  9. Fix your hair

  10. Get dressed in an outfit you don’t normally wear

  11. Start a new skincare routine

Practice personal growth:

  1. Buy a new journal

  2. Put a habit calendar on the wall and mark the days you wake up before the kids

  3. Start a line-a-day journal

  4. Write about a “chapter” in your life

  5. Write 5 things you are thankful for

  6. Listen to an audiobook while folding laundry

  7. Write down a good memory from childhood

  8. Do a “brain dump” of everything that’s on your mind

  9. Plan out your day

  10. Think of 3 people you can serve today

  11. Make your bed

  12. Sit outside

  13. Open your window and listen to the birds

  14. Work through a few journal prompts

  15. Write down something you’re afraid to do, and plan out how you can overcome your fear and do it!

Have a little treat:

  1. Have a cup of coffee

  2. Drink a cup of hot tea

  3. Relish in a bowl of fresh blueberries

  4. Enjoy a few chocolate covered almonds

Here’s my challenge: don’t just skim through the list. Right now (yea, right now) choose a few of these ideas to try out

Then write down which ones you’re going to test out tomorrow morning and plan out what the morning will look like for you.

Then get to bed a little sooner tonight, and enjoy your morning 🙂 

I’m rooting for you!

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