This is Part 3 of a 4 part series. If you have not read Part I - where we talked about the 12 Reasons SAHMs Should Make Staying Fit A Priority, or Part 2: 7 Reasons Every Mom Should Do A Workout In The Morning- head over there first. I'll wait...:)
I can see you over there - kids crawling up your leg, splattering oatmeal on the wall.
I recognize that pile of laundry crammed in the corner of the room, screaming at you.
I hear the crying toddler in the background while you are trying to make dinner.
You already know the reasons WHY you should make time to stay fit - but adding some sort of exercise routine into your schedule sounds too exhausting. But let me say this:
This is one addition you will not regret.
It will be hard, and you will have to move some things around and shift the schedule a bit - but it is doable. And it is necessary.
If you can get your workout done during your early morning routine, great! It is one of the 5 things I think every mom should do before their kids wake up. BUT, if your kids wake up early or you sleep in a little later than normal, find a time to still get your workout in. Don't skip!
Here are some tips to help you do that...
Today we have certified personal trainer and pre + postnatal expert, Ashley from GlowBodyPT, who is going to share 5 No-Brainer Ways SAHM’s Can Stay Fit. She has worked with thousands of moms, just like you, to help them reach their fitness goals. Plus she is a former pro triathlete for Team USA...she knows what she is talking about. So here we go!
5 No-Brainer Ways SAHM’s Can Stay Fit
1. Have a loose plan on your calendar of what you’re going to do.
Just like you write down soccer practice and play dates, plan on doing legs or abs or arms, because it’s something that is important to you and you’re making a commitment to show up for yourself.
Too busy to figure out what you should be doing? I hear you! That’s why I have 2 FREE click-and-go plans you can get started with right away: 21 Day 8 Minute Workout Challenge and the Prenatal Schedule. If you are postpartum, you’re going to want to do my 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan before anything else so we can correctly reestablish your stomach’s integrity!
" are making a commitment to show up for yourself" - Ashely from Glow Body PT
2. Be flexible by the WEEK.
My goal is to get everything I want to get done written down each week. If the days get moved around, it doesn’t phase me! If your baby won’t nap like usual, be flexible by moving your cardio (baby-carrier walk or stroller jog) to that day.
3. EXPECT interruptions.
When you have low expectations, it’s like a treat when they get exceeded (instead of feeling defeated). When you have to pause to change a diaper or redirect your child, remind yourself CALORIES DON’T CARE about interruptions. Just keep going right after!
That said, it is your responsibility to establish boundaries with your kids to set them (and yourself) up for successful long term training at home:
For babies, have your sports bra and training shoes ready to go so you can start (or press play if you’re like me!) on your workout as soon as they go down for a nap. Don’t give yourself the option of scrolling social media or doing the dishes or sorting the mail until your workout is done. Nursing moms- pump or breastfeed immediately before working out if possible. Change out of your sports bra right afterwards to avoid mastitis from too-tight compression. Exercise (even intense exercise!) does not reduce breast milk production; nerd details on breastfeeding while exercising here.
For toddlers 18 months and up - Most can learn that they cannot be on mommy’s mat while you’re exercising for 20 minutes (set a timer so that it’s not YOUR fault they can’t be on the mat—it’s the TIMER; there is nothing you can do about it!) It is worth the $13 to let toddlers and kids pick out their “own” yoga mat so they are free to train right alongside you when they want. Work them up to respecting a full half hour without getting on your mat.
Most kids 3 and up are capable of understanding that this is “mommy’s time” and it is not respectful to interrupt, unless there is an emergency. Moms- prepare a snack & water ahead of time that is reserved for your workout half-hour block of time. Kneel down to their eye level and be clear on your expectations of them before beginning. Are they allowed to watch a show? If so, what is allowed? Are they allowed to get out play dough? Understanding their options empowers them to make GOOD CHOICES, and frees you up to knock out your workout as efficiently as possible.
"...calories don't care about interruptions" - Ashley Glow Body PT
4. Designate a “gym” area in your home where you can prop a mirror nearby so you can spot-check your form.
A yoga mat and dumbbells are perfect to get started! Add a stability ball, mini resistance bands, and a kettlebell to your home gym as gifts you *earn* by being consistent with your workouts in order to maintain variety and avoid plateaus.
5. Check out the 10 Nutrition Habits that Changed My Life video
It will completely refresh your outlook on dieting and nutrition.
I’m not about diets or restrictive eating. These habits are both practical & mental – because both are needed to make good nutrition choices long term.
I’m a mom of 3, military spouse, former pro triathlete for Team USA, and Army veteran deployed to Afghanistan. God comes first in my life. When I was pregnant with my first I was frustrated by the lack of challenging prenatal workouts available to women on YouTube. So I became certified as a pre & postnatal expert and certified personal trainer, set up a cheap camera on index cards on my kitchen counter and started recording the exact short and intense workouts I was doing that deliver results in less than a half hour. Now over 20,000 women are using my workout plans to save themselves time and make their lives easier.
Head back over here on Thursday for Part 4 where I will give you 21 YouTube workouts that you can do from your house (in under 30 minutes!).
I"m rooting for you!