Inside: Want to come out of this holiday season motivated instead of sluggish? Head into 2023 with renewed energy - these three tips will help you stick to your morning routine during the holidays.

My pants felt tighter, my skin seemed more blotchy, and I just wanted to sleep. 

Four days in a house full of relatives + lots and lots of good food will do that to you.

I don’t know about you, but I always seem to head back home from the holidays feeling more sluggish, exhausted, and bloated. While the holidays should be a time of joy and celebrating, they often leave me feeling unmotivated and slow. 

Anyone out there with me?

Every year I tell myself that this year will be different. 

  • I’ll keep up with my morning routine
  • I'll resist slicing myself that fifth, thick wedge of double chocolate cake
  • I’ll drink more water 

But somehow, once the mac and cheese is brought out and I fall into my mamaw’s sofa, all those promises to myself go out the window.

Can we promise each other this year will be different?

If you are with me - if you not only want to enjoy the holidays, but also come back home feeling energized - let’s vow that we are going to stick to our morning routine. 

But why? Why not just use the holidays as an excuse to take it easy and sleep in? I’ve got three simple reasons for you:

Why you should keep up your morning routine during the holidays

1. It will be harder than you think to get back into your routine once the holidays are over

On cold days, my boys love nothing more than to make a "pile" in the living room. We get every blanket, pillow, sheet, and stuffed animal in sights and throw it on the floor. They do crazy jumps off the couch, make tents, and go "caving".

Inevitably, when a day or two later the clean up begins and the washing and folding and organizing and grunting ensues, I regret letting them build the monstrosity in the first place. 

Likewise, it sounds fun and free to lose all self-control during the holidays. But really, when the week is over, you regret tossing aside every sense of discipline.

Because organizing all those good habits back into your routine is HARD. 

2. Your confidence will stay sky high

It doesn’t feel like a big deal when we let ourselves down. But continuing to give up on goals that we've set for ourselves will eventually eat away at us and lower our self-confidence.

So stick to your plan. 

You will feel stronger because of it.

3. It will keep you focused on what the holidays are actually about

With wrapped boxes, pretty bows, rooms stuffed with relatives and hot + creamy mashed potatoes, it is easy to forget the real reason behind why we all gather and celebrate.

If you are a Believer in Christ, like I am, then you are gathering to celebrate that the God of the Universe came down to earth to redeem and serve His people. . 

Your morning routine will help focus your mind and thoughts on the real reason for all the celebration. 

How To Stick To Your Morning Routine During The Holidays

We can say this year will be different, that we'll stick with our morning routines and rhythms. But you know as well as I do that just won’t happen unless we put a plan in place.

So mama, here is your plan.

The three things you can do this holiday season to make sure you stick with your morning routine. 

1. Be clear about why you want to be consistent with your early morning

Any time you are trying to build better habits, you have to know the reason behind the change. You must understand your Big Why, and your Big Why must be greater and more important than the short term gain of what is right in front of you. 

Physically write down why you want to stick with your routine. I gave you three reasons why you should, but think about specifically why it is important for you.

Your reason may not look anything like the three I mentioned above. And please, mama, write it down. According to, you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.

So if you want to know how to set a big goal, and keep it -

2. Make a simplified “holiday” version of your morning routine

If you are staying with family and traveling, this is especially important. It might be hard to get a whole hour to yourself in the mornings. So be realistic about the most important aspects of your routine and make sure to get those in.

We went on a family beach trip this past summer (doesn’t the beach sound lovely right about now?). My husband and I shared a room with our two boys. I knew I wanted to keep up my morning routine, but having my normal 1.5-2 hours alone was just not going to happen in this beach house filled with 25+ adults and kids.

Plus, we were staying up later than normal and I still wanted to get good sleep.

So I woke up early, but instead of opening up my Bible and journal, I used the Bible App on my phone. And instead of writing for 30 minutes, I took just 15 minutes to jot down soms ideas and thoughts. 

Do the same this holiday season. Simplify and shorten your routine so that it is actually doable.

3. Don’t overdo it at every meal.

One of the 9 early bird habits is to stop eating after 6 PM. Why? Because your body was not designed to sleep while it is also trying to digest food. Likewise, when you have been stuffing your face all day long, it’s going to be harder to fall asleep and get good quality, deep sleep. 

So pick and choose. Have your bigger meal at lunch and slow down a bit at dinnertime. Just be conscious of what you are eating and how you feel. You know this, but sometimes having someone else say it helps 🙂

Plan Now If You Want To Stick To Your Morning Routine During The Holidays

It won’t take much, just a little planning, simplifying, and self-control (easier said than done!). And you can do it, mama! You can have a fun holiday season without feeling crummy when it's all done. Remember:

  1. Be clear about why you want to stick to your morning routine (even during the holidays)
  2. Make a simplified “holiday” version of your morning ritual
  3. Don’t overdo it at every meal

If you stick to your goal and have some discipline, you’ll be one happy mama by the time the new year rolls around.

I’m rooting for you. 

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