Inside: Want better sleep? Get away from screens before bed. Here are 11 things to do instead of being on your phone at night.

There I was, hacking away at my computer, warm under the heavy comforter and propped up on the pillows in my bed. My husband was working this evening, so I had the night free to work and write and loose track of time on YouTube. 

Soon my eyes started to get fuzzy and my brain began slowing down. So I closed the lap-top, turned off the lamp, rolled over, and shut my eyes.

But the rest I knew my body was craving didn't wash over me. Instead, like the flip of a switch, my mind turned on. I laid in bed awake, sleep evading my grasp. 

Does No Screens Before Bed Actually Help?

Here's the thing about sleep - it takes time to prepare ourselves for it! Just like an athlete has to warm up for an event, our bodies need to "warm up" for sleep. We were not designed to go from 100 miles an hour to zero in a few minutes. We need time to recalibrate.

You already know this to be true. No matter how long our day, or how busy our schedule, there are still nights we lie in bed awake, sleep feeling increasingly difficult to take hold of. 

That is what's so important about our evening routine - it gives our bodies time to reset and transition to sleep. But not just any routine will do. If good rest is important, than a relaxing, sleep-inducing evening routine is a vital. 

While screen-time feels relaxing, there are much better alternatives to being on your phone at night. 

How A Screen-Free Evening Helps Prepare Your Body for Sleep

There are two main ways we can prepare our bodies for the rest they need:

1) mentally

2) physically

This preparation for sleep will mean you’ll have to make some changes. They will take time and discipline to change, but they can be changed! Your sleep is dependent upon it.

So how does screen-time before bed affect us physically? 

Melatonin is the hormone our body produces that not only makes us sleepy, but also allows us to fall into a deep sleep.

One of the main factors in the production of melatonin is the amount of dark we are exposed to. When we are exposed to light, our body slows down the production of melatonin. Conversely, when we are exposed to darkness our body increases its production of melatonin.

The light from our phones, and any other screen for that matter, will decrease the production of that all important, sleep inducing hormone. 

How screen-free time before bed affects our minds

We live in a world that is loud. We rarely have actual quiet. Our minds are constantly on overdrive. We listen to podcasts while cooking. We have kids running around playing ninjas while we fold clothes. We are perpetually thinking about what's next on the to-do list…...

We are bombarded with actual, physical loudness, as well as constant mental noise.

So a huge part of preparing our bodies for sleep is to quiet our minds - to lessen both the physical and mental loudness. 

One of the most important ways to do that?

Get rid of screens at night.

Not only because the light from our phones is negatively affecting how we are producing melatonin (like we talked about earlier), but also because scrolling through our phones and vegging out in front of a show - while physical relaxing - is bombarding your brain with so much stimulation, your mind cannot get the rest it needs!

11 Things To Do Instead Of Being On Your Phone Before Bed

1. Read a Book

If you want something to do instead of being on your phone before bed, this is my #1 recommend. I'm sure you've heard it before, but it's for good reason! Reading before bed helps to slow down your brain and promotes a relaxed state of mind. In fact, some research has shown that reading for 30 minutes offers as much stress relief as a yoga session!

Looking for some good books to read? Check these out.

2. Journal

For this nights when mind chatter kicks in and you can't seem to turn off the noise, grab a notebook and start writing. Journal about everything that's on your mind. Make a list of items on your to-do-list that are stressing you out. Just get those thoughts out of your head, and on to paper. Writing can be therapeutic, calming, and restful. Check out these 101 journal prompts for moms for some help. 

3. Glass of Wine and Chat with Spouse

The other night Lance and I pulled up Survivor (yes, we love survivor!!), but the play button was left untouched; instead we sat and chatted about life. It was lovely, and a meaningful way to unwind and connect with my husband. Have trouble finding things (other than the kids) to talk about? Check out these ideas.

4. Fold Clothes

At first glance this seems like a downer, right? But when you are used to doing laundry in the middle of the day, with kids jumping on the bed and clawing at your legs, folding a load of clothes in the quiet before bed can be incredible relaxing. Turn on a podcast or audiobook while you do it, too. 

5. Plan Tomorrow

Write down your goals, the things you want to do with your kids, the household chores that need to be completed, and the friends you want to connect with. Not only is the act of writing therapeutic, but jotting down tomorrow's plan helps take the worries of the following day off your mind. This printable, 30 day morning journal also has a planning section you can use - you could do that section in the evening before bed!

6. Take A Hot Bath

And grab a good book or turn on some soft music. The warm water will relax your muscles. Add some sweet smelling soaps and bubbles to the mix and enjoy paradise, baby! 🙂

7. Read Your Bible

I have always done my quiet time with God in the mornings (if I wait to do it at night I am bound to fall asleep), but taking 10 minutes to read a couple of passages before bedtime can calm your brain, slow down your thoughts, and focus your mind on what really matters. Plus, filling your mind with truth and letting it marinate for the next 7 hours is never a bad idea 🙂

8. DIY and Apply a Face Mask

There are some great recipes out there for easy homemade face masks, and a little pampering is never a bad way to end your day. Try slicing up a cold cucumber, laying the slices over your eyes, and chilin' out on the couch while listening to music (psst: I've also heard cucumbers help to reduce the black circles under your eyes).  

9. Start a new hobby

Two Christmas' ago my husband gave me an online watercoloring course as a gift. For the next few months I spend my evenings, after the kids were in bed, working through the course learning how to watercolor. Not only was a great stress relieving way to end the day, but it also allowed me to practice some creativity. Plus, it was just fun 🙂

10. Put Together a Puzzle

Finish the day with a little brain workout by putting together a puzzle! Get your spouse to do it alongside with you and let it provide some down time for good conversation. 

11. Do An Easy Workout and Shower

Sleep doesn't get much better than when it happens after a good sweat (just plan to spend 30 minutes or so reading, journaling, etc. afterwards to give your body time to cool down and chill out). So grab your computer, hit up YouTube, and turn on a workout video. Check out Glow Body PT to get some great, quick workouts you can do at home! She has a lot of prenatal and postnatal workouts, so perfect for us mamas 🙂

You have to choose to stop being on your phone at night

For the sake of our kids, spouses, friends and family, we need to be more diligent in taking care of ourselves and getting better sleep. We might not be able to change the number of hours we are getting, but we can change the quality of sleep we are getting.

Give your body the time it needs to “warm-up” for sleep. It will help you sleep deeper, and leave you more well rested to me the mama, wife, and friend you want to be. You won’t ever regret doing the work to get more and better sleep.


After not being able to sleep that night I told you about earlier, I promised myself I'd grab my book, instead of my computer, the next night. Despite feeling like doing otherwise, I kept the commitment I made and read instead. 

We can all choose to make a change. To do something different

Let's do it together, shall we? Pick one of the above screen-free alternatives to try out instead of being on your phone at night. OR pick 5, a different one for each weekday night this week, and see what works best for you.

I think we will all be better mamas for it. 

I'm rooting for you!

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