Inside: The habit of grabbing your phone before bed is a tough one to break; here are a few hacks to make a phone-free evening possible. 

Just this past week a friend’s 2-year old casually tossed my phone into a rushing creek. After hours of searching (with the help of several friends and a determined + wader-clad husband), we left empty-handed. 

My friends told me they were praying for a miracle. 

I was secretly thanking God for this unexpected blessing.

Freedom from a smart phone; this was my chance to finally get that flip-phone I’d been threatening to buy. Because my self imposed phone boundaries were no match for the mind candy my phone provided.

A blessing in disguise! I thought. 

But then, miracle of miracle, my diligent and determined husband showed up later that night with my phone in hand. 

God answered the prayers of my friends after all, and probably chuckled as I was simultaneously thanking Him for the lost device 🙂

But even though I ended up having my phone back (and it worked despite being submerged in a creek for 5 hours!), it did end up being a wake up call in a sense. 

Why A Phone Free Evening Matters

Discipline is hard. And it's really hard without some defined boundaries and barriers. Despite our tendency to see limits as a sign of weakness (spoiler alert, we are weak people!), it’s also a sign of strength and wisdom to be able to know yourself, recognize the need for a change, and then to do something about it. 


For the few hours I thought my phone was a goner, I felt a sense of freedom. There is something about access to a phone that makes me feel almost obligated to grab and google a question, scroll through YouTube, or randomly decide I need to buy a new book on Amazon. 

That evening without my phone was quiet. I was able to sit in bed and spend time writing + read a book - two things that clear my head, bring me joy, and allow me to go into complete relaxation mode. 

While scrolling though my phone is thoroughly entertaining, it doesn't offer the same nourishment to my soul as reading or writing does.

And screen time for sure doesn’t prepare us for the sleep we know we all need.

Spending the last hour or so of our nights glued to our devices is detrimental to rest in three ways:

  1. It keeps our brains engaged, instead of giving our minds time to settle down and adjust to sleep.
  2. The light from the screen confuses our circadian rhythm and makes it harder to fall asleep. 
  3. Scrolling through social media, reading a blog post, binging on YouTube videos, will all likely heighten our emotions in a way that’s not conducive to rest. 

Another Secret Benefit Of A Phone-Free Evening

Sleep is not the only thing screens steal from us.

Have you ever noticed in literature that in decades and centuries pasts, people seemed to be more well rounded in their skillsets?  Characters in these stories had copious journals, time to paint and sketch, and sew for enjoyment.

Were moms less busy then we are today? Without the help of modern conveniences like washing machines, dishwashers, and powerful degreasing household cleaners, regular every chores were far more cumbersome and time consuming. 

Nonetheless, mamas before us seemed to have time to practice fine art. They had time to develop hobbies and real skills.

In our culture today, those are seen as a luxury. 

But what if, instead of picking up our phones in the evenings, we picked up a hobby. We took time to write, or paint, or practice a skill? 

Food for thought, but one that's been equally interesting and convicting for me as I think about where my time is really going, and how that compares to women in times before me. 

9 Hacks To Help You Stop Grabbing Your Phone Before Bed

Even when we know what's good, it’s hard to actually build the habits and disciplines to follow through. For you and for me!

What Paul says to the Roman church comes to mind:

I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate. - Romans 7:15

Here are some ideas to help you set boundaries, and finally stop grabbing that dang phone in the evenings:

1. Have a phone station in your house

This is where your phone stays throughout the day, while you're at home. Preferably this is not in your bedroom, but a more common place in the home. 

2. Keep a book (that you enjoy) handy

Reading before bed is really, in my opinion, one of the best ways to transition your body to restful sleep. The trick is finding one you actually look forward to reading! So figure out what genre you like, and make sure you have a book on hand you can’twait to read. 

3. Decide beforehand what your evening will look like (and write it down)

There is power in writing, and power in making a decision before the decision-making time comes. Check out these screen-free nighttime routine ideas to get your brain going. 

4. Tell someone else

A little accountability exponentially increases your likelihood of making a good decision. Plus, having someone on your team does the soul wonders. 

5. Put your phone in "Do Not Disturb" mode

Pick a time each night (earlier than you think) to set your phone to do not disturb. If you need to check it for a text, that’s fine. But don’t let the *ding, ding* derail you. 

6. Change your phone to grayscale

I just learned about this little feature, and this might be just what you need to keep you from craving the extra screen-time. 

7. Delete apps that you don’t need

I'm thinking Facebook, Instagram, YouTube - but you know what you “need” and what you don’t. 

8. For all the apps you do need: put them in a folder on the second screen. 

Little obstacles give us time to think before we absentmindedly click. 

9. Track your phone usage

iPhones have this nifty, annoying feature where they'll tell you how much time you spend each week on your phone. It’s convincing to say the least. 

You Won’t Regret A Phone Free Evening

We were at my parents house just a couple months ago, and I found myself giddy about getting to bed, nuzzling under the covers, and reading my book.

I often find, when I travel, I am most excited about ending the day this way, 

Why can’t I just do the same at home every night? 

For some reason, at my own house and in my own bed I’ve gotten into the habit of grabbing my phone. 

But guess what? I can that same vacation-y feeling of getting into bed with a book every single night

Don't exchange what is nourishing to the soul for cheap, immediate entertainment.

Use a few of these boundaries to help remind you. 

I’m rooting for you, 

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