INSIDE: Real reasons why moms stay up late even when they want to get to bed early, and the practical changes YOU can make in order to get to sleep sooner and get the rest you crave!
I slowly, gently closed the kid’s bedroom door. They were in for the night! Like a sugar-deprived kid about to eat cake at a birthday party I jumped and danced a little jig (literally) - butterflies dancing right along with me in my belly.
The day was done!
A couple more hours and I would be snoozing under the weight of my comforter, snuggled next to my husband, slightly chilled by the wind coming in through the open window….
But somehow, a couple hours turned into 4.5 and the next thing I knew it was 11:20 PM and I still wasn’t asleep.
You’ve been there, right?
Haven’t we all. We know we need sleep. We know we need to get in bed and close our tired eyes. BUT…
We don’t - here are 5 reasons I think we moms stay up late and consistently get to bed much later than planned. Tell me if you agree:
5 Reasons Why Moms Stay Up Late
1. You are not signaling to your bodythat bedtime is approaching
Have you ever made a curry? A fabulous, multi-level, spice infused, palate-pleasing curry?
I am no curry making expert (though my childhood in Pakistan and Thailand has made me an expert curry consumer) but I do know this - if you want a robust, full flavor curry then you have to do the prep. You have to toss the onions in and let them caramelize; the curry paste and spices have to be given time to meld together and come to takes time.
A good curry is not built easily, or quickly. It’s not a dump-it-and-forget-it process. Without the prep and proper timing you just won’t get a curry with any depth. Each set of ingredients needs their own time and space to cook and simmer before the entire dish can come together.
The same goes for you getting ready for bed (anyone else smelling garlic on the bed sheets now??)
You can’t run around all day then jump under the comforter and get upset when you don’t fall asleep right away.
You can’t go 90 mph straight to the bed and then be confused when your sleep is restless.
You know better than that!
You have to prep your body and mind for bedtime - you have to signal to yourself that rest is on the horizon.
2. You are trying to get the me-time that you “deserve”
Trust me, I get it. It’s been a long day. You've been pouring yourself into your kids, spouse, community - with barely a moment to sit down and THINK.
But let’s be honest - right now you don’t feel like “thinking” at all. You just want some time to yourself to veg out and zone out - a little mind-candy perhaps.
With so much to get done around the house (even after the kids are in bed), your me-time gets pushed back later and later. Consequently, so does your bedtime.
Moms need some time alone. But when not done properly, getting that time to yourself can cost you an early bedtime (and, by default your Mama’s Morning).
3. You are choosing the wrong things for “me-time”
Yes, me-time is an important part of a rejuvenating nighttime routine. More importantly, self-care is a vital part of being a mom (as long as it is done right). But, if you are anything like me, then you often choose the wrong activities when you finally get time alone at night. You choose things that actually make it harder to fall asleep; activities that are harder to pull away from when bedtime rolls round.
4. You lose track of time
You're busy getting the day finalized sorting through mail, getting your calendar up to date, or scrubbing pots of that delicious (but stubbornly sticky) chili that you made. And in the midst of getting everything done you lose track of time.
Or maybe you’ve gotten everything done that you need to, but you are so deeply engrossed in The Office reruns that you don’t realize it’s now midnight.
If you want to go to bed earlier, you have to have a structure and system for getting to bed on time.
5. Your husband wants to stay up late andencourages you to do the same.
For Lance (my husband) and I, nighttime - after the kids go to bed - is our time to chat, hang out and enjoy one another.
I bet you and your husband do the same. So if your spouse is wanting to stay up until 11 or 12 at night, it is likely that you will, too.
They are not trying to sabotage your goal of an earlier bedtime - it’s just that you have both gotten into the habit of staying up late. And when two people are used to doing the same thing it’s twice as hard to break the habit.
So what’s a girl to do??
To Moms Who Stay Up Late: You Don't Have To!
Yes, I know you want to go to bed earlier. I do too! Like you, most nights I turn off the light and think, “I probably should have done this an hour ago...”
Here’s the thing; you and I can get to bed earlier. We can choose to make a change. We can decide to structure our evenings differently.
It might not be natural or fun - you will probably find yourself saying
“what the heck, one more episode won’t hurt!”.
But if you want to see change, then you have to do something different. And you can do it, mama! Grab the 5 Simple Steps To An Earlier Bedtime and I’ll show you how (while I remind myself of the same…).
It’s free, and it will get you to where you want to be - in bed earlier and on your way to an energizing and motivating Mama’s Morning.
So go ahead and grab it!

I'm rooting for you!